site map
- cristal-innov
- Crystalite
- langue
- Cristal Innov – Contact
- Fields of application
- Areas of R&D
- R&D hosting services
- Cristal Innov - Presentation
- Collaborative innovation platform for crystallogenesis
- Characterizations
- Cutting services
- Growth services
- Technology services
- Langatate (LGT)
- Quartz
- Products
- Politique de confidentialité
- mentions légales
- Prestation découpe
- Technologies
- Accueil ok fr
- Showcase
- news-uk
- SENSIX project
- CRISTAL INNOV is proud to sponsor the EFTF student program
- Pure Premium Quartz (PPQ) synthesis for SAW resonators beyond the state of the art
- CSR: Cristal innov is committed to a proactive policy.
- Management of non-compliance action plan
- Cristal innov is committed to CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility.
- Cristal innov’s team is proud to announce that Cristal innov is certified ISO 9001-2015
- 27-30 sept 2022 Cristal innov will exhibit at the ZOOM Micronora
- The French crystal industry is opening up to new horizons !
- 2022: strong activity at Cristal innov in line with global trends.
- Scientific publication LGT
- Quartz substrate
- ANR Clymène project
- Welcome to Maroua Allani
- New vector Network Analyzer
- The French quartz sector is a success
- Cristal innov participates in the mobilization against the Covid!
- The fast growing electric vehicle market is a great opportunity for the French Fab industry.
- An ERP for industrial traceability
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